Indian American Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar Passes Away, (72 Years) USA

Indian American Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar Passes Away, (72 Years) USA

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Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar
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In the depths of sorrow’s embrace, we extend our heartfelt condolences to you, dear family, as you navigate the profound loss of your beloved departed. Though their presence has faded from this earthly realm, their spirit continues to dance in the gentle whispers of cherished memories. May you find solace in the warm embrace of family and friends, drawing strength from the love and support that surrounds you. As you grieve and honor the life that was, may you discover comfort in the knowledge that your departed loved one’s legacy will forever live on, a beacon of light guiding your path through the darkest of nights.

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It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we mourn the passing of Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar, a revered and esteemed figure in The United Methodist Church (UMC). Bishop Devadhar, a retired bishop of the UMC, passed away on July 18, 2023, leaving behind a profound legacy of faith, leadership, and love.

The news of Bishop Devadhar’s passing was officially announced by Council of Bishops (COB) President Bishop Thomas J. Thomas during a meeting of the COB Executive Committee, which was held outside Chicago this week. Bishop Devadhar was elected to the episcopacy in 2004 by the Northeastern Jurisdictional (NEJ) Conference of The United Methodist Church and served as a bishop until his retirement on January 1, 2023.

Throughout his illustrious career, Bishop Devadhar was celebrated across the denomination for his profound commitment to prayer, servant leadership, and ecumenism. He was known for possessing a gentle heart, an unwavering faith, and a sharp intellect. His leadership was grounded in a deep understanding of God’s call for unity among believers, and he worked tirelessly to promote ecumenical and inter-religious cooperation and ministry.

Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling, the President of the NEJ College of Bishops and leader of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, expressed her admiration for Bishop Devadhar’s leadership, emphasizing his humility and devotion to Christ. She served on his cabinet before her own election to the episcopacy, which speaks to the significant impact he had on those around him.

The sentiment was echoed by Bishop Bickerton of New York, the COB Bishops President, who praised Bishop Devadhar’s integrity, covenantal faith, and dedication to Christ. His commitment to high moral standards and spirituality had a profound influence on the Church, making it stronger and inspiring its members to strive for greater unity.

Bishop Sally Dyck, the COB Ecumenical Officer, highlighted Bishop Devadhar’s passion for ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, commending him as a champion of unity in the ministry. His ability to bridge theological divides and bring people together was truly remarkable and will be deeply missed.

Bishop Devadhar’s journey of service began when he was assigned as the leader of the New Jersey Episcopal Area (Greater New Jersey Annual Conference) on September 1, 2004. After eight years of devoted service in New Jersey, he was later assigned to the Boston Area (New England Annual Conference) in July 2012.

His commitment to following God’s path started from an early age, as he was born into a family of clergypersons on April 6, 1951. The name “Devadhar,” meaning “follower of God,” aptly represented his lifelong devotion to the Almighty. His faith journey led him to serve as a deacon at the Church of South India, Mercara Coorg, India, and he pursued academic excellence, earning multiple degrees from esteemed institutions in India and the United States.

Bishop Devadhar’s guiding principle in life was simple yet profound: “Love everybody.” This principle guided his actions and influenced countless lives, as he led sacred pilgrimages abroad and encouraged others to deepen their faith through transformative experiences. His leadership on pilgrimages to The Holy Land and Taize France left an indelible impact on the lives of many, fostering greater understanding, stronger relationships, and a deeper commitment to discipleship.

Before his election as a bishop, Bishop Devadhar served with dedication as the district superintendent for the Ontario District of the then North Central New York Annual Conference for eight years, further exemplifying his lifelong commitment to the Church and its mission.

Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar leaves behind a cherished family, including his wife, Prema, their daughter, Trina, son-in-law Gage, and his beloved grandchildren. As we come together to honor his memory and celebrate his life, a funeral will be held on Thursday, July 27, 2023, at 11 AM (GMT-4) in Hyde Park Methodist in Cincinnati, OH. For those unable to attend in person, the funeral will be streamed online, allowing people from around the world to pay their respects and bid farewell to this remarkable leader.

In closing, let us remember Bishop Devadhar as a man who embodied the principles of love, unity, and deep faith. His life was a testament to the power of serving others and the transformative impact of ecumenism and inter-religious cooperation. The UMC has lost a great leader, but his influence and legacy will continue to resonate in the hearts of countless individuals whose lives were touched by his wisdom, compassion, and leadership. May his soul rest in eternal peace, and may his memory continue to inspire and guide us in our own spiritual journeys.

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