Mr. Livingston Edwin D’Silva, (73 Years) Mulky – Mangalore

Mr. Livingston Edwin D’Silva, (73 Years) Mulky – Mangalore

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Mr. Livingston Edwin D'Silva, (73 Years) Mulky - Mangalore
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In the depths of sorrow’s embrace, we extend our heartfelt condolences to you, dear family, as you navigate the profound loss of your beloved departed. Though their presence has faded from this earthly realm, their spirit continues to dance in the gentle whispers of cherished memories. May you find solace in the warm embrace of family and friends, drawing strength from the love and support that surrounds you. As you grieve and honor the life that was, may you discover comfort in the knowledge that your departed loved one’s legacy will forever live on, a beacon of light guiding your path through the darkest of nights.

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In Loving Memory of Mr. Livingston Edwin D’Silva

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Mr. Livingston Edwin D’Silva, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, and esteemed member of the community. He peacefully departed from this world on the 17th of July, 2023, in Neethi, Karnad, Mulki at the age of 73.

Mr. Livingston Edwin D’Silva was born on the 30th of September, 1949, to his parents Harris D’Silva and Grace D’Silva. As the firstborn son, he brought immense joy and love into their lives. Mr. D’Silva was a dedicated and loving father to his four children, and he cherished his role as a provider and mentor. His son, Nitish D’Silva, was the fortunate recipient of his father’s unconditional love and guidance.

Throughout his life, Mr. Livingston Edwin D’Silva demonstrated an unwavering commitment to his profession. For 30 years, he served as a Draftsman in the Engineering and Inspection section of MCFL, Panambur. His dedication, expertise, and attention to detail were widely recognized and appreciated by his colleagues and superiors.

Outside of his professional life, Mr. D’Silva was an active member of the community and a devout worshipper at the CSI Unity Church in Mulki. His faith provided him with strength and solace, and he generously shared his spiritual guidance with others. His presence in the church will be deeply missed by his fellow parishioners.

Mr. Livingston Edwin D’Silva was not only a hardworking individual but also a man of integrity and kindness. His warm smile and genuine compassion touched the lives of everyone he encountered. He had a gentle nature and an innate ability to uplift those around him. His friends and family will forever remember him as a pillar of support and a source of inspiration.

In his leisure time, Mr. D’Silva found great joy in spending quality moments with his loved ones. He cherished every opportunity to create lasting memories with his three sisters and grandson, treasuring the love and unity that bound their family together. His laughter and joyful spirit will continue to resonate in their hearts.

The funeral service to honor and bid farewell to Mr. Livingston Edwin D’Silva will take place on the 18th of July, 2023. The mortal remains will be kept at his residence in Neethi, Nalur plot, Karnad, Mulki. The funeral cortege will depart from the residence at 9:00 am and proceed to the CSI Unity Church cemetery in Mulki.

During this difficult time, let us remember Mr. Livingston Edwin D’Silva for the remarkable person he was. His legacy of love, kindness, and devotion will forever remain etched in our hearts. May his soul find eternal peace, and may his family and friends find comfort and solace in the cherished memories they shared with him.

For further details regarding the funeral arrangements, please reach out to Nitish D’Silva at +917760074632. Let us join together to offer our condolences and support to the bereaved family during this period of mourning.

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